April 21, 2021. Adhering to a strict sanitary protocol and with a strong conviction to turn Montezuma into a sustainable tourist destination, several community organizations carried out this Thursday, April 22, a campaign to clean up rivers and beaches to commemorate World Day from the earth.
The activities began at 8:00 am with the cleaning of all the beaches and rivers between the communities of Playa Grande in Montezuma to the Rio Lajas in Cabuya.
The activities ended at noon with a lunch for participants as well as an official presentation of the Sustainable Montezuma strategy. This strategy was promoted by the Montezuma Integral Development Association. We also had the support of the CRUSA Foundation, within the framework of its Rediscover Costa Rica program. This particular program supports the economic recovery of tourist communities in the country.
During this activity, the first Eco-turtle certification was delivered to ASADA Montezuma, for its excellent work in caring for the water resource in the area.
All Montezuma tourist businesses and services were invited to participate in this program to obtain their award Ecoturtles for the application of sustainability criteria in their operation.