Romelia was created on November 24th, 1998. The refuge stemmed from an initiative of Albert Ingalls and Gitza Gatti, who followed a dream of conservation for land that was their home and the birthright of their children.
Romelia Mixed Wildlife Refuge contributes to the ACT (Tempisque Conservation Area -ACT, from its acronym in Spanish) as part of the peninsular biological corridor that includes Cabo Blanco Absolute Reserve, Curu Mixed Wildlife Reserve, Karen Morgensen Reserve, Nicholas Wessberg Reserve, and the Romelia Mixed Wildlife Refuge. It is adjacent to the Nicholas Wessberg Absolute Reserve, one of the country’s first and most valuable protected wildlife areas.
This Refuge is approximately 550 acres. Within this territory, there are some distinct ecosystems, primary forest, secondary forest, riparian forest, and gallery forest. The avifauna includes more than 57 species of birds, 26 species of herpetofauna including 13 reptiles and seven amphibians. There are also 26 species of mammals, including 11 types of bats.
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